Engineering Standards
The Engineering Standards program began with Seattle, Washington and Portland, Oregon and has now expanded to more than 20 communities. Sign Contractor members (A-1 category of membership) whose dues are current are eligible to use the engineering. If you have questions, please call the NWSC office.
In addition to the complete instructions on page one of the Washington and Oregon standards, entitled Specifications and Design Criteria, the following procedures must be followed.
1. When submitting a permit application to the jurisdiction accepting the engineering standard, you must submit copies of the pages being utilized, i.e. sheet NWSC-WA 04-3 for pole sizes and NWSC-WA 04-4 for footings. Examples for determining each are listed on those pages. You can check the NWSC website (www.nwsigncouncil.org) to confirm the jurisdiction where the sign is to be erected accepts the NWSC Standardized Engineering for Signs program.
2. Your submittal must include an original letter from the Northwest Sign Council authorizing your use of the engineering. The letter will be sent directly to the city with a copy to the applicant. Please request this letter at least twenty-four hours in advance of submitting the permit application. Please provide the following information: jurisdiction where the letter needs to be sent, description of what you are installing, as well as the name and address of the business. The letter will be project specific. The jurisdictions require that users of the engineering are authorized to do so and have received instruction on proper use from the Northwest Sign Council.
3. NWSC members will not be assessed a fee each time an authorization letter is issued. Only A-1 members whose accounts are current will be authorized to use the engineering. Abuses in the use of the engineering will result in dismissal from the association.